《龙腾世纪:审判》比想象当中要大很多。游戏加入了各种乱七八糟的东西,甚至有点太多了……我认为主要原因是团队接到《龙腾世纪 2》一些部分的负面反馈后真的想全力以赴,解决掉每一个小问题或者说每一个发现的问题。
Inquisition was bigger than it needed to be. It had everything but the kitchen sink in it, to the point that we went too far... I think that having to deal with Dragon Age 2 and the negative feedback we got on some parts of that was driving the team to want to put everything in and try to address every little problem or perceived problem.
Cameron Lee
《龙腾世纪:审判》制作人Cameron Lee,
Dragon Age: Inquisition's producer

游戏的对话盘(Dialogue Wheel)在本作得到了扩张,增加了新的情感与需要金钱、特定升级或职业/种族才能开放的选项。[5]
The Dialogue Wheel was expanded, displaying new emotions and choices that require money, specific perks or classes/races.
无论喜欢《起源》偏策略还是喜欢《龙腾 2》[6] 偏即时动作的战斗,《审判》都能让玩家满意。战斗一般是实时进行的,玩家可以进行基础攻击、施放法术、使用能力并在队员之间实时切换;但战斗在任何时候都能暂停,此时玩家可以进入战术俯瞰模式计划四名队员的行动,制定好战术后再切换回即时模式。这两种模式都非常流畅,可以无缝切换。
与玩家一同探险的角色既有前作熟悉的面孔,也有强大的新同伴。与前两作(以及大多数 BioWare 作品)相同,游戏配音一流,塑造的角色非常独特,令人难忘。其中多瑞安(Dorian)和科尔(Cole)尤为突出[7] ,他们的部分故事线和对话达到了游戏的顶尖水平。
The combat in DA:I will prove satisfying for both those who enjoyed the more tactical approach of DA:O and those who preferred the more action-oriented DA2. Encounters are normally played in real time, with the ability to perform basic attacks, cast spells, use abilities and switch in real time between your party members. At any point, combat may be frozen and a tactical overhead view will allow you to plan the attacks of each of your four party members. Once you are satisfied with your tactics you may return the game to live action. Both modes are extremely fluid and transitioning between them is seamless.
Joining you on your quest will be a mix of familiar faces from previous games and a stout cast of new companions. As with all Dragon Age games (and BioWare games in general), the voice acting is top-notch and creates some very unique and memorable characters. Dorian and Cole in particular stand out and provide some of the best storylines and dialogue throughout the journey.
Fans of the series will also be excited for guest appearances of some of the more popular characters from the previous two instalments.
Yet, despite several familiar faces from previous games, Inquisition's story is a far cry from the beloved first instalment, Dragon Age: Origins.
游戏第一个资料片《哈肯之颌(Jaws of Hakkon)》兼容所有平台,但之后的资料片放弃了较老的平台,仅面向 PC,Xbox One 和 PS4。
DA:I's first expansion, Jaws of Hakkon, was released for all platforms. The following ones, however, abandoned the older consoles and were exclusive to PC, Xbox One and PS4.
该游戏有数个 DLC 和三个资料片[8] ,《哈肯之颌(Jaws of Hakkon)》、《黑暗侵袭(The Descent)》和《入侵者(The Trespasser)》。前两个只是增加了有更多内容的新区域,但最后一个大大扩展了游戏的结局和世界观[9] 。
总的来说,在《龙腾》系列和其他来自 BioWare 的 RPG 游戏强大的基础之上,《审判》增加了大量的内容和可重玩性。它可能缺乏《起源》和 BioWare 早期一些 RPG 游戏的魅力和完成度,但玩家仍然一不留神就会在一周目投入一百多个小时——并且还想继续玩。
While it has its moments, it fails to properly create a sense of urgency or really allow you to become properly invested in what is at stake. Compelling individual character storylines are present, but they don't seamlessly fit into the grand scheme.
The same could be said about some side-quests, which can feel like busy work. There are hundreds of them, which can unlock mounts, powerful items and help grow your forces. Some players might find them repetitive and just skip them, but others will be able to ignore the main story for hours upon hours of play.
The game had several DLCs and three expansions – Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent and Trespasser. The first two simply add new areas with more content, but the last greatly expands the game's ending and story.
DA:I is also the first Dragon Age game that features a multiplayer mode, where you and four other players battle your way through increasingly difficult levels of randomly generated monsters.
Ultimately, Dragon Age: Inquisition builds upon the strong foundation of the series and other BioWare RPGs, by adding tons of content and replayability. While it may lack the charm and polish of DA:O and some of BioWare's early RPGs, it's still a game you can easily sink over a hundred hours on your first playthrough – and still be eager for more.
5 译者注:《龙腾世纪 2》中选项被强行分成了 3 种情感(善良/圆通,幽默/嘲讽,以及好斗/挑衅),一种情感类型选多了后点击玩家角色时显示的对话也会偏向这一性格。本作摒弃了这一设定。后文中的“特定升级”并不指主角本人,而是在战术桌上升级审判团能力后开放的新选项(如谍报能力和宗教知识等)。
6 译者注:目前网络根据英文名将三代分别简称为 DAO(龙腾世纪:起源),DA2(龙腾世纪 2)和 DAI(龙腾世纪:审判)。
7 译者注:经过查证,《审判》并没有组织过官方的角色投票。
8 译者注:中文网站没有对原文中《龙腾世纪》系列的 dlc 和资料片(expansion)作区分(事实上绝大部分外国玩家也没有),搜索时直接统称 dlc 即可。
9 译者注:三个资料片都有完整的剧情,不过前两个更多是外传/幕间性质,而《入侵者》可以说是追加的正统游戏结局(具体表现为主线剧情打完后才能选择这一 dlc,且进入后会关闭之前所有的地图、支线和 dlc 剧情)。
10 译者注:玩家可以自己命名制作的装备,后期还可以给装备染色。每个装备和武器还有各自的插槽,进一步加大了自定义的空间。

玩家可以在战术桌(War Table)上管理审判团,派遣顾问去做任务获得资源。
The War Table allows you to manage your Inquisition, dispatching advisors and doing missions to earn resources.

Crafting expands the series’ usually limited loot, featuring multiple materials that imbue items with unique bonuses.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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