Tale of Wuxia offers a large variety of mini-games, from lock-picking to blacksmithing. Most of them are excellent.

游戏开始时创建角色,有 3 种被动天赋和超过 20 种属性需要考虑。
You roll your character at the start of the game, with three passive talents and over 20 stats to consider.

训练模式以 Q 版美术风格呈现,包含了大量和中国文化有关的事件和课程。
The training mode is presented in a Chibi art style and it’s filled with events and lessons on Chinese culture.

Combat is turn-based, and was expanded in the remake to feature hexes and some impressive animations.
数周的训练过后,你的角色要接受和剧情有关的一系列考验。有的仅仅是几场战斗,其他的任务会让你先在镇子里闲逛一段时间(比如等到典礼开始),然后你才可以探索,和 NPC 交谈,购买道具,做支线任务,探寻秘密。
在每个事件中,玩家都有自主决定的自由,这些行为会以某种形式影响未来的事件。玩家可以通过特殊事件和送礼结交超过 30 名 NPC,他们会在游戏后期对玩家大有帮助,也有可能解锁特殊事件,完成后会获得宝物和新武功招式。此外,他们之中有六位是可以攻略的女性角色,你可以通过特殊事件追求她们!
After a certain amount of weeks has passed, the hero will be tasked with plot-related missions. While some will only be a series of battles, others allow you to freely roam around town for a time (such as until a ceremony begins), and you're able to explore, talk to NPCs, buy items, do side-quests and find secrets.
There are often long-lasting consequences based on your actions and, depending on which faction you wish to side with, it might even be good to “fail” a mission, although generally not by losing in battle.
These missions also serve as a good wake-up call to let the player know if the hero's Kung Fu is lagging behind – if battles are too difficult you can catch up during the next weeks of training.
Players are given the freedom to exercise their will upon each event and their actions will affect future events one way or the other. Up to 30+ NPCs can be befriended through events and gifts, and they will greatly contribute to your success in future endeavours and possibly unlock certain events that lead to treasures and new Kung Fu teachings. Furthermore, six of these fellow companions are romanceable heroines with unique events for you to pursue!
The game can be difficult for those who neglect to train their hero, but the versatility of approaches in each playthrough and the amount of freedom to raise your hero makes replaying the game highly enjoyable and part of the charm.
中文版的《侠客风云传》在发行后又推出了几个 DLC,增加了更多内容和新的爱情故事,但它们没有翻译成英文。
The Chinese version of Tale of Wuxia received several DLCs after release, adding more content and new romances, but they were never translated into English.
总而言之,游戏中有足够多的武功招式、技能、事件、路线、结局、NPC 和成就,以保证你至少可以游玩三周目。
遗憾的是,河洛工作室不久就宣布解散,它是中国游戏开发商(包括智冠科技在内)向 MMO 游戏和在线游戏转型的受害者。然而,《武林群侠传》依然被中国粉丝视为经典之作,这激励了它的制作者和新的发行商一起重组河洛工作室,推出一款现代的,全 3D 的重制版。
2015 年发行的《侠客风云传》是该系列中第一部有官方英文翻译的游戏,2016 年登录 Steam 平台。除了画质上的升级,重制版还让开发者有机会去改善和扩展游戏的故事和事件,完善内置的小游戏,将战斗升级为六边形系统,加入了全新的昼夜循环,NPC 会根据时间行动,还增加了可攻略的女性角色。
重制版推出后不久,《侠客风云传前传(Tale of Wuxia: The Pre-Sequel)》发行,它放弃了养成模拟,采取了更为传统的 JRPG 模式,游戏拥有固定的主角,并可以完整地控制队伍。
《侠客风云传》和它的前传仍然有一些讨厌的 bug,并且众包翻译的质量参差不齐,但两款游戏都值得一玩,这是一场独一无二的武侠体验,你不可能在其他游戏中遇到。
Overall, there's enough variety of Kung Fu styles, skills, events, routes, endings, NPCs and achievements to guarantee at least three full playthroughs.
Regrettably, Heluo Studio was later disbanded, a victim of the large shift in the Chinese publishers (including Soft-World) towards MMOs and online gaming. However, Legend of Wulin Heroes remained a cult classic among the Chinese fanbase, motivating its original creators to reform Helio Studio with a new publisher and create a modern, fully 3D remake.
Released in 2015 as 侠客风云传, it was the first game of the series to be officially translated into English, published on Steam in 2016 as Tale of Wuxia. Besides the many graphical upgrades, the remake also gave the developers the chance to refine and expand the game's story and events, improve its mini-games, upgrade the combat to a hex-based system, add a new day-and-night cycle with timed NPC schedules and increase the number of romanceable heroines.
The remake was soon followed by Tale of Wuxia: The Pre-Sequel (2017), which abandons the raising sim aspect for a more traditional JRPG-style, with full party control and a fixed protagonist.
Tale of Wuxia and its prequel still have some annoying bugs, and the crowd-sourced translation is rather uneven and messy, but they're definitely worth playing. It's a truly one-of-a-kind wuxia experience that you aren't likely to find elsewhere.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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