I've always thought about what it means to have an ending to a game. When you really think about it, it doesn't really matter where a game ends. Ultimately, if the player is satisfied with stopping at a particular point, it doesn't matter if it's where the creator intended things to end or not… and so that's where the idea of having so many endings came about.
Yoko Taro
《尼尔:机械纪元》总监Yoko Taro,
Nier:Automata's Director

Automata’s combat is easy to learn, with just light and heavy attack types, but has nuances that make it deep and hard to master, such as combos, aerial combos, dodging, multiple weapon sets and a pod that shoots while you fight.
游戏让你认为多周目只是在通过不同视角游玩同一个故事,但事实并非如此,这也是其突破传统框架之处。如果你意识到了游戏实际的引导(大多数人并不能),就能打破游戏设计的惯例。能与此相提并论的只有 Igarashi 的开创性作品《恶魔城:月下夜想曲》(Castlevania: Symphony of the Night),但在那个游戏中,真结局[3] 仅仅是对任务完成度最高和最细心玩家的一种奖励。《尼尔:机械纪元》则更进一步,它真正的剧情并非隐藏在具有挑战性的任务后面,而只是利用了一个简单的误导。你不需要做任何复杂的事情来发现游戏的真结局,只需要在大多数人认为剧情已经结束的点继续玩下去。
The game twists conventions by making you think that you are simply retreading the same game from a slightly different point of view. What it is doing is leading you into a path that, if you manage to follow successfully — and many won't — will break with game design convention in ways that are only eclipsed by Igarashi's seminal Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997). But while in that game the revelation was “merely” structural, saving the latter half of the game and real ending as a reward for the most completionist and attentive players, Nier: Automata goes one step beyond, hiding its closing act behind not a challenging obstacle, but simple misdirection. You don't have to do anything complicated to discover the game's closing act; you just have to play past the point most people will think there is nothing else to see.
Along the way, the game will have woven narrative and structure — through exploration and gameplay loops — to underscore concepts such as the perils of a generation carrying on with the will of long-gone ancestors just because that's the way it has always been so, or the random and quasi-magical way life forms and how sometimes the fossilized remains of an ancient structure are what is keeping new ideas and people from springing forth.
Ending spoiler:
Automata’s final section asks you to accept help from players who sacrificed their save data to help others. It then asks if you want to do the same; your sacrifice will enable others to finish the game, in a modern re-enactment of the most known story in Western mythos.
《尼尔:机械纪元》在传达所有这些理念的同时保持了吸引人的玩法。游戏中有大量可以解锁的武器和连招,一个有趣的、基于机器人内存插槽的升级机制,以及偶尔会出现的横版射击环节。你在其中甚至可以感受到 PlatinumGames [4] 特有的手感,尤其躲避与反击机制有点类似《猎天使魔女》(Bayonetta),反馈非常好。但这些并没有让这款游戏更像动作游戏而非动作 RPG。
Nier: Automata conveys all of this while remaining engaging to play. There are plenty of weapons with combos and special attacks to unlock; an interesting slot-based upgrade mechanism; and occasional side-scrolling shooter segments to shake things up. There's even the traditional Platinum touch of a rewarding dodge-and-counter mechanic similar to Bayonetta's, but never at the cost of making it feel too much of an Action game instead of an Action-RPG.
Automata celebrates and helps players experience the wisdom of the ages — culminating with the ultimate expression of the endpoint of the Christian mythos, in a way that has never been captured before and probably won't be replicated for years to come (see sidebar) — while simultaneously pointing out that the only real way forward is to know when to leave these frameworks behind and forge something anew.
Yes, it rarely achieves this with much in the way of grace and elegance. Just as its machine life forms play at being humans (note the significance of the word) without even realizing that this is the path to one day achieving something akin to humanity, so is Nier: Automata playing, sometimes awkwardly so, at being philosophy. That it occasionally stumbles into helping the player gain a new level of understanding into the reality of western mythos is nothing short of extraordinary.
3 译者注:在游戏《恶魔城:月下夜想曲》中,玩家达到一定条件,可以在打最终 BOSS 的时候进入倒恶魔城(俗称逆城)。并且当地图完成度在 195% 以上时可以触发游戏的完美结局。
4 译者注:原文为 Platinum,即白金工作室。

游戏中的升级和技能体现为需要占用人造人内存的芯片。为了给更多的芯片释放空间,你可以禁用一些功能,比如 UI。
Upgrades and skills are chips that use up the android’s memory. To free space for more chips, you can disable things like the UI.

《尼尔:机械纪元》的主线剧情有几场横版射击战斗,通常与动作 RPG 部分无缝衔接。
Nier:Automata has several shoot-em-up sections during its story, often seamlessly mixing it with the Action-RPG combat.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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