We want to provide simple enjoyment for people; we don't want to make complex things for people to think about. In the real world, there are so many difficulties people are facing. Sometimes, there are no rewards. They don't get any rewards for those difficult things in life, but at least in the game, we want to make sure they will be rewarded for working hard to play the game.
《勇者斗恶龙》系列创造者Yuji Horii,
Dragon Quest series' creator

The turn-based combat is very traditional, but never gets boring thanks to the lovingly animated cartoon monsters and the option to evade battles while exploring.
每当玩家进入一个新的区域时,小队会领悟到原住民的各类怪癖,在当地发现一个具有威胁性的问题并最终面对一场 Boss 战。不难看出游戏内容是线性的,不过新的伙伴会伴随关键事件的结束而出现,随着探索继续,游戏也不断提供新剧情和游玩内容,即使在数十个小时之后游戏仍然是自由、令人享受且回报丰盛的。这一切都多亏了即使是在当代标准下仍旧是相当令人钦佩的经过高度打磨的游戏画面、游戏节奏与内容。
刚刚提到的这些或许看上去有些老套了,但在如今市场处处都是黑暗主题的 RPG 的情况下,这样一款鼓舞人心和富有英雄史诗的作品反而显得又有点令人耳目一新了。但随着游戏中的故事在后段涉及到关乎存在和忧郁的主题,使得该游戏在浅显的表面特色之下,又增添了几分更深层次的内容。

This might sound unoriginal, but the stories attached to them make every town, kingdom, dungeon or island unique and memorable.
When entering a new area, the party learns about the quirks of the inhabitants, discovering a dangerous, local problem that eventually leads to a boss fight. There is a linearity of narrative here, new companions appearing after important events, but the exploration is free-form – enjoyable and rewarding, as the game just keeps doling out new story and gameplay content even after dozens and dozens of hours. All this is done with visuals, pacing and a level of polish that's fairly impressive by today's standards.
The tropes and clichés presented here might be considered quaint, but in a market now saturated with darker role-playing games, an uplifting and heroic presentation somehow feels refreshing again. There is also a deeper layer underneath the more immediately visible features and beats, as the story touches on melancholic, existential themes in its later stages.
Perhaps because of its massive length, few reviewers pointed out these more subversive elements of the hero's myth. The end-game portion not only adds new story content, but it also asks the players to re-examine their journey so far, to contemplate concepts like choice, loss, the true meaning of sacrifice.

Each party member has its own talent tree and can use different weapon types, giving them some build flexibility.
但不管怎么说,这个故事基本上还是一个充分运用了自身内容并表现优秀的童话故事。大部分的玩家面对整体的游戏框架、主题和游玩方式,将不会感到陌生,甚至是有点过分熟悉。《勇者斗恶龙 11》最显而易见的特色不是创新,而是其精致且丰富的内容,还有对冒险的真切召唤。
最终版(The Definitive Edition):
《勇者斗恶龙 11》曾有一款和主机与 PC 版本共同开发的 3DS 版本,包含了同样的故事,但游戏中的画面却大相径庭。这个版本提供了 3D 和类似 16-bit JPRG 的 2D 模式。Switch 平台上的移植版本随后结合了这两个版本,允许玩家通过 PC/主机 版本的 3D 模式或者 3DS 的 16 位元模式来体验游戏。在此之上,它还增加了额外的内容与管弦乐配乐。这个版本最终在 2020 年以《最终版》的形式于 PC 平台发售。
The late reveal, done after a full game's length, serves a purpose here: the length of the journey is a key component of one of the twists in the narrative.
Ultimately, this story is still very much a fairy tale, utilizing its power to great effect. Most players will find the overall structure, themes and gameplay very familiar, maybe to a fault. Dragon Quest XI's most immediately recognizable aspect is not innovation, but a polished, generous content and an earnest call to adventure.
The Definitive Edition:
DQXI had a 3DS version developed alongside the console/PC version, featuring the same story but vastly different graphics, with the option to play it in 3D or in a 2D mode similar to 16-bit JRPGs. The Switch port later combined both versions, allowing players to experience the game with PC / console 3D graphics of the 3DS 16-bit mode. It also added extra content and an orchestral soundtrack. This version came to PCs in 2020 as The Definitive Edition.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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