可以打出组合技(Combo)和强力的协同作用绝对是我们设计中的一个标志。总的来说,我们坚持对玩家的掌握能力给予奖励,作为一个卡牌游戏玩家,我知道当你的卡组组合在一起,感觉就像一台运转良好的鲁布· 戈德堡机械(Rube Goldberg machine)[6] 时的纯粹快乐。由于我们是单人卡牌游戏,所以我们不必担心强势组合的典型弊端——对手因为过强的策略而感到不爽。
Allowing for combos and strong synergies is definitely a hallmark of our design process. In general, we believe in rewarding player mastery, and as a card game player myself, I know the sheer joy when your deck comes together and feels like a well-oiled Rube Goldberg machine. Since we are a single player card game, we don't have to worry about the typical downside of strong combos – where the opponent feels bad because of an overpowered strategy.
Anthony Giovannetti
《杀戮尖塔》设计师Anthony Giovannetti,
Slay the Spire's Designer

《杀戮尖塔》的 roguelite 性质意味着它不用担心过于强力的敌人机制对于弱小卡组的摧残。强大敌人的设计促使玩家在多次尝试中不断改进。
The roguelite nature of Slay the Spire means that it’s not afraid of presenting enemies with mechanics that can destroy a poorly-built deck. Its design pushes players to improve over multiple tries.
在调整和精简卡组的同时,玩家还必须关注全局地图,把握好访问商店、休息点和遇到小 Boss 的时间,使利益最大化,风险最小化。在游戏结束时,这套牌便已经成为一台精心设计的个性化机器:能够制造出离谱的伤害;能阻挡大部分甚至所有的攻击;在一个回合内循环使用一整套牌;以及在竞技性桌游中会被立刻禁止的占卜抽牌,这在单人游戏体验中却是一种微妙的乐趣。同时,《杀戮尖塔》还鼓励你每一次都打破既有套路。
《杀戮尖塔》的一个知名前辈是《梦境任务》[7] (Dream Quest,2014),但更高额的制作投入和更流畅的界面交互使《杀戮尖塔》无可争议地成为了这一类游戏的典范。
受《杀戮尖塔》的成功启发,现在时有新的卡组构筑类游戏出现,但《杀戮尖塔》本身仍未受到挑战。其成功的核心在于它将卡组构筑的概念映射到 RPG 的经典表达上。每个职业的 75 张卡牌目录足够紧凑,让人感觉与众不同,但又足够大,可以让玩家发挥想象力。每张新加入的卡其意义都是可以立即感受到的。《杀戮尖塔》将创建和养成一个角色的体验压缩到紧俏的 90 分钟内。

As they tinker with and streamline their deck, players must also pay attention to the overworld map, timing visits to shops, camp site respites, and mini-boss encounters to maximize their benefits and minimize risks. By the end of a run, the deck becomes an elaborate, personalized machine, capable of churning out absurd damage, blocking most if not all attacks, cycling through its entire contents in a single turn, and similar feats of cartomancy that would be summarily banned in a competitive tabletop setting, but are a puzzlish delight in a single player experience. Slay the Spire encourages you to break it at every turn.
Spire has an acknowledged predecessor in Dream Quest (2014), but its higher production values and slicker interface set the template for what is now indisputably a genre unto itself.
Inspired by Spire's success, new deck-building roguelites now crop up on a regular basis, but Spire itself remains unchallenged. The core of its success lies in its mapping of the deck-building conceit onto the classic language of RPGs. And the 75 card catalog for each class is tight enough to feel distinct, but big enough to allow for expressive play. The significance of every card added to the deck is immediately palpable. Spire compresses the experience of creating and leveling up a character into an airtight, seamless 90-minute run.

Event nodes in the overworld lead to short scenes where you can make choices that provide new cards, upgrades, relics or curses.
当玩家找到自己的立足点并开始定期积累胜利后,进阶(Ascension)关卡可以通过增加挑战来改变游玩体验,还有一个隐藏的“真”结局,有一个超难的最终 Boss 需要打败。向这个 Boss 的挑战过程直接关系到游戏循环运行背后的剧情总述。这是一个轻度的、相当不重要的叙事,尽管采用了优秀的、调皮的、超现实的美术设计来展现。
《杀戮尖塔》有着对模组的良好支持,通过 Steam 创意工坊你可以轻松获得几十个新的角色、职业和敌人。这里是几个较为出色的:
《拓展尖塔》(Mod the Spire):加载模组的必要工具。
《衰败扩展》(Downfall Expansion):一个饭制的扩展包,允许你扮演游戏中的坏人,有六个新的可玩角色,每个角色都有其独特的卡片和玩法。
《重游尖塔》(Replay the Spire):通过增加新的卡牌、遗物、敌人、 Boss 和事件来扩展游戏。
《尖塔同行》(Spire with Friends):加入了多人游戏模式,允许进行合作或对抗。
Importantly too, the game's superlative balance means that, almost always, there are ways to save a bad run. A single powerful card or relic papers over a lot of flaws, and can open a route to possible victory. Even when things don't come together, failure has its own fascination and drama. It can be just as exciting to pilot a bad deck as far as you can as it is to liquidize everything in your path with an overpowered one.
After players find their footing and begin to accrue wins regularly, Ascension levels can modify runs with added challenges, and there's a hidden “true” ending, with accompanying hyper-difficult final boss, to overcome. Progress towards this boss ties directly into the overarching narrative behind your cyclical runs up the Spire. It's a light, fairly inconsequential narrative, albeit one filtered through an excellent, arch, surreal aesthetic.
But the true narrative, the most engaging tale in Slay the Spire, is the miniature saga of your deck's development: the accretion of powerful cards, the eventual crystallization of an overarching strategy, mitigating junk cards, curses, and other inevitable dross, moving inexorably towards a win or a loss – and, naturally, impulsively, starting again from the beginning once the tale's been told.
Slay the Spire has a robust modding scene, with dozens of new characters, classes and enemies, easily accessible via the Steam Workshop. Here’s a few highlights:
Mod the Spire: A mandatory tool for loading mods.
Downfall Expansion: A fan-made expansion, allows you play as the game’s bad guys, with six new playable characters, each with their unique cards and play style.
Replay the Spire: Expands the base game by adding new cards, relics, enemies bosses and events.
Spire with Friends: Adds multiplayer to the game, allowing for co-op and versus play.
6 译者注:一种为了实现简单任务却故意设计得花里胡哨的精妙装置的统称。
7 译者注:同样是一款结合了 roguelite 和 deck-building 的游戏,不过画风比较魔性(在《杀戮尖塔》中通关真结局可以解锁测试版卡牌插图,也是灵魂画风)。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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