我倾听了很多玩家的声音,并不断改进游戏,以解决问题,挑战他们,并让他们继续下去。如果有人成功获胜,我会马上找出怎么赢的并“增加”游戏的难度。我曾经立下 flag 说这个角色是“无敌的”,结果一周后,我的一个朋友就击败了它!他的角色“Iggy”被放入游戏中作为“邪恶的 Iggy ”,并且永远存在。当然,我也加入了他取得胜利的的那一招。
I listened a lot to my players and kept making enhancements to the game to fix problems, to challenge them, and to keep them going. If anyone managed to win, I immediately found out how, and 'enhanced' the game to make it harder. I once vowed it was 'unbeatable', and a week later a friend of mine beat it! His character, 'Iggy', was placed into the game as 'The Evil Iggy', and immortalised. And, of course, I went in and plugged up the trick he used to win.
Robert Alan Koeneke,
Moria 的创作者Robert Alan Koeneke,
Moria's creator

Surrounded by giant white louse, our desperate dwarf resorts to one of the unidentified potions in his inventory. Sadly, It was a potion of slowness.
这款游戏在 1987 年被最初的创造者罗伯特・艾伦・科内克(Robert Alan Koeneke)抛弃后,一直以 Unix Moria(或 UMoria)的名称存在。多亏这个移植版本使用了 C 语言编写,新玩家可以在不同的硬件上玩 Moria(与其名字相反,UMoria 可以在 Unix 以外的系统上玩,例如 MS-DOS)。这是到目前为止最受欢迎的《摩瑞亚》版本,也正是这个版本启发了诸如《风之城堡》,《Angband》甚至《暗黑破坏神》等游戏的创作。
如今,《摩瑞亚》和 Umoria 的人气已经被衍生游戏远远超过了,尤其是 Angband(事实上,由这款游戏所编纂的 roguelikes 的子类型经常被称为 Angband-like)。令人遗憾的是,人们忽视了 CRPG 历史上如此重要的游戏,但原因却很容易理解:Angband 极其忠于原始 Moria 的游戏玩法和游戏设定(尽管这一次玩家的任务是击败 Morgoth)

Amiga 版本有鼠标支持和非常简单的图形,但这两者都没有令人快速上手的教程,带来的帮助微乎其微。
After being abandoned in 1987 by its original creator, Robert Alan Koeneke, the game lived on as Unix Moria – or UMoria – a port that, thanks to being written in C, provided new players with the possibility of playing Moria on different hardware (contrary to what the name suggests, UMoria can be played on systems other than Unix, e.g. MS-DOS). This is by far the most popular version of Moria and the one that inspired the creation of games such as Castle of the Winds, Angband and even Diablo.
Nowadays, the popularity of Moria and UMoria has been far surpassed by derivative titles, especially Angband (in fact, the sub-genre of roguelikes that has been codified by this game is often described Angband-like). While it's sad that such an important game in the history of CRPGs is being overlooked, it's easy to see why: Angband is extremely faithful to the gameplay and setting (although this time players are tasked with defeating Morgoth) of original Moria

The Amiga version had mouse support and very simple graphics, but both were more confusing than helpful.
虽然每个对 roguelike 类型感兴趣的人都应该玩几次《摩瑞亚》游戏,以体验这一流派历史上重要的一部分,但从它衍生出来的游戏很可能会有更多的乐趣。
Angband 诞生于 1990 年,但目前仍在积极开发中。它的玩法和视觉风格与《摩瑞亚》相似,但它有更多的敌人(包括 Boss 怪物)、法术和物品,以及更长的地下城,同时更加平衡和精简。与《摩瑞亚》的单色外观形成对比的是,Angband 赋予不同的敌人、物品和 HUD 元素不同的颜色。值得注意的是,它还易于修改,因为它的所有数据都存储在文本文件中——这导致了许多变体的产生,如 ZAngband 和 Mangband,并帮助普及了 Moria/Angband 这样 roguelike 的类型。

Angband 允许使用 tileset,以及 ASCII 图形。
while greatly improving it and expanding upon it. It's simply a better game that, while still challenging, won't scare off less experienced players.
While everyone with an interest in roguelike games should play a few sessions of Moria to experience an important part of the genre's history, chances are that more fun will be had with games that descended from it.
Angband was first released in 1990 but is still in active development. Its gameplay and visual style are similar to that of Moria but it has more enemies (including boss monsters), spells and items as well as a longer dungeon, while at the same time being more balanced and streamlined. In contrast to Moria's monochrome look, Angband gives colours to different enemies, items and HUD elements. It is also notable for the ease of modding as all its data is stored in text files – this has resulted in the creation of numerous variants, such as ZAngband and MAngband, and helped to popularise the Moria/Angband sub-genre of roguelikes.

Angband allows for tilesets, as well as ASCII graphics.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明