Each hero has its own stats, which can be improved by training, acquiring new equipment or earning blessings.

The score system greatly increases the game's replayability, with players still competing for high scores and speedruns.

了解希腊神话对避免某些意外死亡至关重要,例如被诅咒会被 Actaeon 的狗所吞噬。
Knowledge of Greek myths is vital to avoid certain deaths, such as being cursed and then devoured by Actaeon's dogs.

For all its complexity, the game is extremely easy to play. All you need are the four arrow keys, Space and Enter.
但不要搞错了,游戏中的角色扮演冒险方面在这个时代也是美妙的。每个任务 200 回合的时间限制使游戏快速而紧张,而随机元素,如漫游的 NPC 和诸神的奇思妙想(攀登奥林匹斯山可能会让你获得礼物或诅咒),使每个游戏都保持新鲜感。由于货币资源(大部分)是有限的,因此有一个坚实的经济体系会迫使人们做出艰难的选择。正因此,您拥有的角色越多,如何去合理地分配和装备它们就越困难。
与如今 100 小时的 RPG 游戏相比,《赫拉克勒斯归来》将希腊神话中几乎全部的“名场面”一屏接一屏地快速抛给你,实在令人惊叹。而且,在任何一次游戏中,如果你能在几分钟内获得金羊毛、胜利登上特洛伊木马、攀登奥林匹斯山,都是具有可操作性的。
But make no mistake, the role-playing adventure aspects of the game are fabulous for the era as well. The time limit of 200 turns per quest keeps the game fast and intense, while random elements like roaming NPCs and the whim of the gods (climbing Olympus might earn you either a gift or a curse) keeps every playthrough fresh. There is a solid economy which enforces tough choices as the monetary resources are (mostly) finite. Thus, the more characters you have, the more difficult it becomes to properly equip them.
Minimal-character “speedruns” are evidently popular within the retro community but, if you do choose to take the full panoply of characters, then it can be heartbreaking when your nearly-naked characters succumb to the hordes in the Trojan War segment.
Compared to today's 100-hour RPGs, it's amazing how The Return of Heracles throws virtually the entire “greatest hits” of Greek mythology at you rapid-fire, one screen after another. Certainly any game where you can obtain the Golden Fleece, triumphantly board the Trojan Horse, and climb Mount Olympus in the span of a few minutes does not lack in action.
总体来说,《赫拉克勒斯归来》的突出之处在于它的娱乐性,特别是考虑到它所处的年代。在 1983 年,仅有的真正竞争对手是《巫师》和《创世纪》第三版。但《巫师》本来就不是同类的游戏,而“不列颠之王”在完善自己的技术,推出一款具有斯图尔特・史密斯已经掌握的那种叙事深度和共鸣的 CRPG 之前,还要再过两年——虽然史密斯确实有优势,他使用的是已经磨练了几千年的故事。
Speaking to other aspects of immersion, the relatively minimal amount of sound in the game is implemented so well that it remains striking even today. There are ambient sounds of crashing waves in maritime scenes, sounds of gates opening and closing, and distinctive tones indicating the amount of damage done by an attack – from a barely-audible glancing blow, to a bass-heavy deathblow dirge. The musical score is easy to call masterful for the time, as the few songs are all excellently memorable and thematically appropriate.
Overall, The Return of Heracles stands out for the sheer amount of entertainment stuffed into it, particularly given its age. The only real competition in 1983 were the third releases from Wizardry and Ultima. But Wizardry was never meant to be a similar sort of game, and it would be another two years before Lord British refined his own technique and released a CRPG with the kind of narrative depth and resonance that Stuart Smith had already mastered – although Smith did have the advantage of using stories that had already been honed for thousands of years.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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