The point is not whether you have strong enough muscles or big enough guns to win, the issue should be: What have you learned? What wisdom have you gained from the beginning through to the end that really means you're now the appropriate person to solve the problem?
《创世纪 4》项目领导者Richard Garriott,
Ultima IV's project leader

Creating your character with the Gypsy's Tarot cards. Your choice is always the right one... for you.
放眼诸多游戏的任务设定,一种像这样的所谓“交换条件”式设计已经十分泛滥了:“所以,你想知道这把 +30 强化的秒杀之剑的位置吗?那首先你得前往可怕的滑稽之兔所栖身的巢穴,然后把老旧的大鼓(不带电池的)给我取回来。”但在《创世纪 4》里,你不会是任何人的“跑腿员”。
Conversation has always been a staple of the Ultimas, even if it was very limited in previous games. An important aspect here is that people give you information because they like you, trust you, or respect you. This is trust or respect you earn by your actions during play. The closer you are to the ideal of Avatarhood, the more likely people are to tell you important things.
There is none of the “quid pro quo” that infects so many games. You know: “So, you want the location of the +30 Sword of Instant Death? First, you must travel to the lair of the Dread Funny Bunnies, and bring back to me the Drum of Ages (batteries not included).” Nowhere in Ultima IV are you ever someone's “gofer”.
People don't send you off to retrieve lost/stolen items as though you're some sort of pet dog. Nor do they ask you to do any “favours”. Everything you learn, every item you obtain, is for your own use.
由粉丝克里斯・霍普金斯制作的《创世纪 4 第二章:老兄,我的圣者去哪了?》是对《创世纪》 系列的恶搞作品,它的故事发生在《创世纪 4》 与《创世纪 5 》之间。
Created by fan Chris Hopkins, Ultima IV Part 2: Dude, where's my Avatar? is a parody of the Ultima series. It takes place in the gap of time between Ultima IV and Ultima V.
至于游戏的结局,也许那才是《创世纪 4》中最具批判性的部分,正如我的一个朋友所说:“这是唯一一个以读书为最终目标的游戏。”游戏的结局并非是要你去打败愚蠢的反派或(再一次拯救世界),而是让玩家深入地下城,去阅读一部名为《终极智慧法典(Cdex of Ultimate Wisdom)》的书籍。当然,还有其它的游戏也采用了非暴力的结局,但没有一部拥有像本作这样的原创性。
虽然本作的设计有着它的年代感和诸多不便,但如果你正在寻找的是一种独特的游戏体验,而非一味地“砍砍砍”或是无尽的支线任务,那么经受了多年岁月洗礼的《创世纪 4》对你来说,将仍是一部独一无二的出色作品。
Perhaps the most iconoclastic part of Ultima IV is the ending. As a friend of mine put it, “It's the only game where the goal is to read a book”. Not trashing Foozle, not saving the world (again), but penetrating to the depths of a dungeon to read the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. There have been other games with nonviolent endings, but none so original as this.
For all that, some of today's gamers may find the game unplayable. The graphics are primitive. There is no log, no journal, no automap, no big loot drops, no hand-holding. Patience and extensive note-taking are crucial, because there is so much to learn. You'd better learn it all too; you're tested throughout the final dungeon to ensure you really know what it means to be the Avatar.
However, if you're looking for a unique experience that doesn't rely on hack-and-slash or endless “side jobs”, then Ultima IV is still one-of-a-kind, even after all these years.

There are no quests in the sense of doing a task to get a reward. What you must do is be (and remain) worthy.

《创世纪 4》引入了七位可招募的同伴,他们也成为了系列中重要的角色。
Ultima IV introduced seven recruitable companions, who became important recurring characters in the series.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明