Character development amounts to improving weapon skills and gaining social ranks, which have little gameplay impact.

库存屏幕显示了你的角色的详细的“纸娃娃”(paper doll),这是当时 RPG 的新玩意儿。
The inventory screen shows a detailed “paper doll” of your characters, something new to RPGs at the time.

镇上的每个 NPC 都有独特的肖像和个性,对各种种族和背景有不同的反应。
Every NPC in town has a unique portrait and personality, reacting differently to the various races and backgrounds.

The enemy has a wounded arm and I can see it will target my legs, so I can avoid the attack by jumping next turn.
这是任何 RPG 游戏中最复杂的战斗系统之一,但它有一个巨大的缺陷:它的速度慢得令人发指。每回合,对于六个角色中的每个角色,您都必须选择移动的位置,移动的速度,攻击的方式,攻击的位置,如何防御,并确认每个动作。不仅有很多事情要做,界面也很呆滞,而且敌人还需要几次打击才能击败。在空旷地带杀死一个半兽人可能要花费 10 多分钟。
All these options impact damage and hit Chance, but also Fatigue – a vital stat in Knights of Legend. Every action causes Fatigue, based on the equipment being used, the wounds sustained and the type of action.
A heavily armoured Kelden may be tough, but he won't be able to fly (or even run) for more than a few rounds without passing out with exhaustion. As such, it's important to balance equipment load, as well as to know when to attack relentlessly and when to rest.
A key feature here is that characters with high Foresight can read enemy movements, allowing you to see what the creature will do and respond accordingly. If he'll target the head of the character in front of him, you can order that character to duck to avoid the blow.
It's one of the most complex combat systems in any RPG, but it has a huge flaw: it's excruciatingly slow. Every turn, for each of six characters, you must select where to move, how fast to move, how to attack, where to attack, how to defend and confirm each action. Not only is there a lot to do and the interface is sluggish, but enemies require several blows to be defeated. Killing a single Orc in an open field can take more than 10 minutes.
Knights of Legend was designed to support multiple expansions; the main menu even has an “Install New Region” option. However, the game sold poorly and no expansions were ever made.
此外,虽然随机遭遇战总是在小范围内进行,但任务战斗是在大规模的地下城中进行的,这使问题更加严重。如果重新安排您的队伍已经是一个缓慢的任务,那么在广阔的区域搜寻任务和幸存的敌人就相当于在遭受 CRPG 中国的水刑这么——与几个敌人的一次战斗可以持续超过三个小时!
更糟糕的是,敌人的行为是可以预测的,你永远不会同时面对一种以上的敌人类型。而且,不仅公式化的任务设计没有提供激励或奖励感,而且最后一个任务有一个错误,要求你向错误的 NPC 报告你的胜利。
这是一个具有讽刺意味的命运——《传说骑士》诞生于对快速玩战术桌面 RPG 的渴望,但是,虽然电脑确实处理了所有的计算,但游戏的速度太慢了,而且要求太多的微观管理,所以还不如直接回去玩桌面 RPG。
Moreover, while random encounters are always fought in small areas, quest battles take place in massive dungeons, exacerbating the issue. If repositioning your party is already a slow task, then scouting huge areas in search of quest items and surviving enemies is the CRPG equivalent of Chinese water torture – a single battle against a few enemies can last over three hours!
To make matters worse, enemies act predictably and you never face more than one enemy type at once. And not only does the formulaic quest design provide little incentive or sense of reward, but the last quest has a bug, asking you to report your victories to the wrong NPC.
Still, there's a final nail in the coffin: the only way to save your game is to go back to town, enter an inn and pay for each character to rest. Not only does this mean you can't save and quit during the hour-long battles, but you won't be able to save at all if you're out of money!
It's an ironic fate – Knights of Legend was born from a desire to quickly play tactical tabletop RPGs but, while the computer does handle all calculations, the game is so slow and demands so much micro-managing that it's easier to just go back to tabletop RPGs.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明