对我来说,难度和资源短缺是《网络奇兵 2》中重要的一部分。我倾向于把这些描述为让玩家紧张,而非让玩家恐惧。故事中确实有恐怖元素,其中的角色外形非常扭曲,极度痛苦,还有很多类似的表现。但实际上这些对我来说都不是很重要,重要的是这个游戏非常、非常难。你必须时刻保持高度集中,紧绷精神,因为会让情况变糟的事情太多了。
For me, the important part of System Shock 2 is the difficulty and the resource scarcity. I would probably describe it more as being about tension than horror. There's a horror element to the story and characters are terribly disfigured or in pain or whatever, but that's actually less important to me than the fact that the game is really, really hard. It requires you to constantly be very focused and intense. There are a lot of things that can go wrong.”
Jonathan Chey,
《网络奇兵 2》产品经理及主程序员Jonathan Chey,
System Shock 2's project manager and lead programmer

走廊中充斥着敌人,异常 AI 观察着你的每一步行动。《网络奇兵 2》中没有安全可言。
Enemies roam the halls and a rogue AI watches over your every step. There's no safety in System Shock 2.
不过游戏中的资源十分稀少。每次开火武器都会磨损,在紧张的交火中更有可能卡住或者坏掉。敌人会随时间复生,甚至之前清理过的区域都会变成死亡陷阱。极高的难度为《网络奇兵 2》赋予了无与伦比的危险感。
冯·布劳恩(Von Braun)号,你所坠入的地狱就在这艘超光速宇宙飞船上。而你发现船员们的幽灵仍然徘徊在这艘飞船上,这给紧张的氛围又添了一把火。这既是比喻意义上的——音频日志变得越来越绝望——同时也是字面意义上的,因为你看到了重现船员们最终可怕遭遇的幻象。
《网络奇兵 2》给人们留下了极为深刻的印象。尽管好评如潮,而且时至今日它仍然对 FPS/RPG 两种类型的混合以及恐怖游戏有重要的启发,但它的销量并没有达到预期。Looking Glass 在 2000 年破产后,因为最终关卡匆匆忙忙的结束而留下的悬念至今都没有解答。

Resources are scarce though: weapons degrade with every single shot and have a nasty tendency to either break or jam during tense firefights. Enemies respawn over time, and even areas which have been previously cleared can become death traps. The high difficulty crowns SS2's unrivalled sense of danger.
To add to the atmosphere, the ghosts of the Von Braun – the faster-than-light spaceship where your descent into hell takes place – still inhabit the vessel. Both figuratively – in the form of increasingly desperate audio logs – and literally, as apparitions that recreate the crew members' final, ghastly moments.
System Shock 2 struck a nerve, but, despite an overwhelmingly positive reception and the fact that it would go on to inspire both FPS/RPG hybrids and horror games to this very day, it sold below expectations. And with Looking Glass going out of business in 2000, the jarring cliffhanger that concludes the rushed final levels remains unresolved to this day.

Managing the inventory, saving resources and keeping weapons functional are mandatory for your survival.
SHODAN 由 Terri Brosius 配音,她不仅是 Looking Glass 的编剧和关卡设计师,还曾是 90 年代早期摇滚乐队 Tribe 的成员。
SHODAN is voiced by Terri Brosius, who not only worked as a writer and level designer for Looking Glass, but was also part of an early 90s rock band named Tribe.
Irrational Games 则存活了下来。2007 年《生化奇兵(Bioshock)》系列发售并大热之后,Irrational Games 终于看到了与 Looking Glass 无缘的商业成功。不过让很多爱好者失望的是,《生化奇兵》并不是为他们曾希望的那种 FPS/RPG 逻辑进化过程的下一步。
《网络奇兵 2》有两项成就至今无人超越:其一是无缝地融合了两种类型,其二是让玩家真正地沉浸。当玩家气喘吁吁、大汗淋漓地在 SHODAN 控制的走廊中穿行时,他们可以真切地感受到自己只是一个可悲的血肉之躯。
有一个活跃的社区仍在提供游戏建议和发布 mod,地址是 www.systemshock.org。这里选出了其中的一些:
Shock Community Patch:社区发布的修正补丁大合集。高度推荐。
TF's Secmod:重新平衡了很多内容,改变了敌人位置并加入了新的游玩内容。很适合重玩时使用。
System Shock Fan Missions:玩家自制的关卡。从《网络奇兵 2》的后续故事到探索中世纪古墓,应有尽有。克里斯汀(Christine)的《朋特比空间站(Ponterbee Station)》是一个必玩的选项。

一些玩家自制关卡中加入了新的敌人和环境,例如《UNN 北极星(UNN Polaris)》
Irrational Games would live on to see the financial success that Looking Glass was never allowed with the 2007 release of the popular Bioshock series, which – to the disappointment of many fans – did not turn out to be the next step in the logical evolution of FPS/RPG hybrids they had hoped for.
System Shock 2 stands unchallenged both in its seamless blending of genres and in its ability to truly make the player feel like a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through SHODAN's corridors.
An active community at www.systemshock.org still offers advice and releases mods. Here's a selection:
Shock Community Patch: A big collection of fixes from the community. Highly recommended.
TF's Secmod: Rebalance things, change enemy position and add new content. Great for a replay.
System Shock Fan Missions: Fan-made adventures that range from SS2 sequels to exploring medieval crypts. Christine's Ponterbee Station is a must-play.

Some fan missions, such as UNN Polaris, offer new monsters and environments to the players.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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